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Welcome to our eshop. Since 2018, we have been bringing to your place the best spices, herbs, selected tea and dozens of choices of the highest quality food items.

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Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions of use of this site.


The site is an e-commerce store for the sale of products and services via the Internet (hereinafter referred to as an online store or website) created and operated by the company called Maria Varnali, based in Argyroupoli and legally represented, with Tax Identification Number 055763565 and Tax Ofiice of Ilioupolis, e-mail address, e-shop service line: +302114097948, (for the sake of brevity COMPANY).

The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of the online store under the Secret Herbs trademark located at Any user who enters and trades or makes use of e-shop services (hereinafter referred to as "visitor" and / or "user" or "customer" depending on whether it is limited to visiting only the store or commissioning and selling products and services) is deemed to consent and accepts unconditionally the following terms herewith without exception. If a user does not agree with these terms, he / she must undertake to refrain from the visit, use of the site as well as any transaction or use of the e-shop services.


THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify or revise freely the terms and conditions of use and transactions from the online store whenever it deems it necessary, and undertakes to inform consumers about any change through the pages of this e-shop. Contracts through the online store are compiled in the Greek language.


COMPANY is committed to the accuracy, completeness and completeness of the information provided in the online store in terms of the identity of the COMPANY as well as the transactions provided through the e-shop. The Company, in good faith, is not responsible for and is not bound by electronic data entries made by error / omission in common experience and is entitled to correct them whenever they perceive their existence.


THE COMPANY in the context of its transactions with the e-shop is not liable and is not obliged to compensate for any damage or damage resulting from the cancellation of orders, from the non execution or from the delay of their execution, for any reason. It does not guarantee the availability of the products displayed in the online store, but it updates on the basis of the available information about the availability or not of the customer concerned and undertakes, in the event of a change in the data, to inform customers in good time about the unavailability, has no further responsibility. The online store provides content (ie information, names, pictures, illustrations), products and services available through the site "as they are". Under no circumstances shall the Company be liable civilly or criminally for any damage (whether positive, special or re possessive, which is indicative and not restrictive, alternatively and / or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, data, lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.) a visitor to the e-shop or a third party for a reason connected with the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or products and / or information made available by him and / or any non- allow third party interventions in products and / or services and / or information made available through it.


All content of the online store, including badges, signs, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, etc. constitute the intellectual property of the COMPANY and are protected under the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or intellectual property of third parties for which COMPANY has been licensed for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of the e-shop. Any copying, transfer or creation of derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real e-shop provider is prohibited. Reproduction, re-issue, upload, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or for any commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and described in the online store under the trademark or the products or services of the COMPANY or third parties are assets of the COMPANY or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use in the online store does not in any way give them permission or right to use them by third parties.


The user / customer agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the online store as provided by law and based on the rules of good faith and business ethics. It is not obliged to use the online store with the trademark for: 1. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that is illegal for any reason, causes unlawful insult and damage to COMPANY or to any third party, either violates the confidentiality or confidentiality of any person's information; 2. sends, posting, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes user's morals, social values, childhood, etc. 3. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content for which users have no right of transmission under the law or applicable contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as 4. sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that violates any patent, trademark, trade mark or any other intellectual property right; copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties of any kind; 5. sending, posting, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt , damage, destruction or equipment of any software or computer hardware; 6. willful or unintentional violation of applicable laws or regulations; 7. harassment of third parties in any way; 8. collection or storage of personal data about other users.

LIMITED LICENSE, under the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right of access, use and presentation of this website and its contents . This license is not a transfer of a title to the site and its elements and is subject to the following restrictions: (1) You must keep on all copies of the website and its data all copyright and other proprietary notices and ) you may not modify the Website and its data in any way or reproduce or publicly display or distribute or otherwise use the Website and its data for any public or You purpose, unless otherwise permitted herein.


The links that are included in the online store lead to store pages or, in some cases, lead the user to move from it (e-shop) to websites of third-party providers, businesses, etc. These associated websites are not under the control of the COMPANY and the COMPANY does not bear any responsibility for the contents of any such site or any link included in an associated website, or any changes or updates to such websites. The COMPANY is not responsible for Internet broadcasts or for any form of transmission received from any linked site. COMPANY provides these links to its online store only to facilitate the use of the online store, their use is not obligatory for the visitor / customer and the fact that they are taken in the online store does not imply that the COMPANY approves or accepts the content their.


Some of the products you find in our online store have, according to research, therapeutic properties. However, we emphasize that we are not doctors and we can not guarantee the results of using any of our products. All the information on our website is purely informative and in no way replaces medical science. For health problems, always consult your treating physician.


The use of the site and the purchase of products through it are governed by Greek law.

Any dispute arising out of or relating to the use of the website or such contracts is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Athens.

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